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Caught Inside Page 2

  I punched him in the arm again, but this time much harder. “You’re such an ass clown. First of all, clearly, she’s out of my league, but that doesn’t mean she won’t take pity on this Canadian boy while I’m in town. Maybe she’ll fall for my north-of-the-border charm and won’t be able to get enough of me.”

  They all got a kick out of that. Apparently, they didn’t think I was worthy.

  “Fuck you all, like you said Sean, what do I have to lose at this point? It’s not like I’ll ever be back, right?”

  The event wrapped up at eight, and I sent the guys packing. Just in case I made a fool out of myself, I didn’t want any witnesses.

  She was on the stage talking to that Joe guy. They seemed like they were pretty close. Joe appeared to be in his mid to late fifties. I caught her eye as I approached the stage, and they walked over and jumped off the edge.

  “Joe, this is Tanner. He’s from Canadia. Tanner, this is Joe, my boss. He owns the shop I work at, Boathouse.”

  Joe chuckled. “Canadia? God, I wonder about you sometimes, girl.” He reached out and shook my hand. “Nice to meet you, Tanner. What brings you to our little town?”

  “Nice to meet you, too, Joe. We’ve got a week off from college, and we wanted to come to California for the break. We grabbed a map, each threw a dart, and ended up here.”

  “Wow, that sounds adventurous. What are you studying?”

  “Engineering. I’m at McMaster University.” I puffed out my chest a bit, proud of myself.

  “That’s great. Well, you lucked out. You’ll love it here. How long are you in town for?”

  I looked over at Easton, thinking damn right I lucked out.

  “We just got in late last night, so we have another eight days until we leave. Hoping to let loose and forget all about the hustle and bustle of school. Maybe catch a few surfing lessons. Hang loose. That’s what you guys say over here, right?” I grinned.

  “Did you just say, ‘hustle and bustle’ in the same breath as ‘hang loose?’” Easton was laughing at me, of course.

  I was nervous, and I couldn’t be held accountable for what came out of my mouth. I was a fairly confident guy, and I had no problem getting chicks back home, but this one had thrown me for a loop.

  “Leave the poor guy alone, East,” Joe chastised her before turning back to me. “It was great to meet you, Tanner; I hope to see you again before you leave. Come by the shop at any time. And if you’re looking for surf lessons, this pink-haired ball-buster is a freak on the waves.” He slapped me on the back as he walked away.

  I raised a brow at her. “I don’t know why I’m surprised that you surf as well, but a freak on the waves? That I gotta see.”

  “Calm your tits. He’s exaggerating, but if you wanna get out in the water, I can take you for sure. I’ll give you my number; I have a pretty lax schedule, so I’m available most days.”

  “Wow, that’s the first time a woman has ever given me her number without my having to try.”

  She laughed. “Don’t flatter yourself, and remember, you sent me a drink first. So technically, you tried.”

  “This is true. I would have tried harder if I needed to. So, what are we doing tonight?”

  “We? Did we have plans?” She had a mischievous grin on her face, and it was so damn adorable.

  She seemed to be a straight shooter, so I’d play. “Yes, we. We’re going to hang out. So, since you’re the local, I figured I would let you choose.”

  “Hmmm, I’m starving, so we could start by grabbing some food. I prefer it not to be here since I’ve been stuck here all day. So, how about we grab something at eMZee’s? They have the best burgers ever. I can’t guarantee they’ll have your Canadian beer, but I know they have Sex on the Beach.” She winked and turned to head out the door.

  That girl.

  She stopped before she reached the exit. “Wait, let me get out of this dress.” She scrunched up her face.

  “What’s wrong with the dress? I like it. Looks great on you.”

  “Thanks, but I’m not a fan of dresses. I’m more of a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl, plus I’m sure the temp has dropped, so I’d rather not freeze. I have my clothes in the back; I’ll only be five minutes.”

  “Makes sense. I’ll meet you out front.”

  A few minutes later, Easton walked out the door wearing her jeans and a hoodie, and she’d thrown her hair up in one of those messy bun things. Easton in a dress was pretty, but this was hot.

  “Did you take off your makeup, too?”

  She looked shy for a minute. “Yeah, sorry. I’m not a fan of that, either.” She put up her hands. “What you see is what you get. I’m not a girly-girl.” She shrugged.

  “No need to apologize, I think you look stunning either way, but honestly, I prefer this look.” I smiled down at her.

  Her eyes crinkled at the sides when she grinned back. “Do you have a car here?”

  I shook my head. “Nope, we walked over.”

  She turned and started down the sidewalk. “Perfect, it’s just around the corner, so we don’t have to worry about vehicles.”

  eMZee’s wasn’t very busy when we entered, so the Please, Seat Yourself sign was up. We grabbed a booth in the back, and the waitress came by almost immediately to take our order. Easton recommended the bacon cheeseburger with fries, so we made it two.

  “You have to try a Sex on the Beach. They’re seriously amazing.”

  I made a face, and she rolled her eyes.

  “Don’t be such a guy.”

  I couldn’t believe I was going to try some chick drink, but I sucked it up. “Fine.” I looked at the waitress who was watching our exchange and waiting on confirmation of whether I wanted one or not. “Bring us two Sex on the Beach as well, but please, hold off any frilly garnishes it may come with.”

  “Can I see some ID?”

  I flashed her my driver’s license and put it back into my wallet.

  The waitress tsked me. “All right, I’ll bring the one, but nice try Miss Easton. I know you aren’t of age.”

  I looked over at Easton in shock. I had assumed she was twenty-one.

  “No problem, I was just really thirsty. One Sex on the Beach and a water. Would you like a drink, Easton?”

  “Coke, please.” She smiled but with quite the attitude at the waitress before she walked away.

  “I can’t believe you’re making me try one of those girly drinks.”

  “Girly? Do I look girly to you?”

  I looked her up and down appreciatively. Man, she was hot. “No way, you look all woman to me. So, how old are you?”

  She smiled, and I could tell she thought it was a lame line, but I was serious. If she said anything less than eighteen, it was going to take every fiber of my being to get up and walk out of here. I wouldn’t want to be a complete dick, but I wouldn’t be able to spend any more time with her and not think of her in that way. Please be at least eighteen. Holy shit, please do not be underage.

  “I’m eighteen, turning nineteen in June.”

  “Thank the Lord.” I blew out the breath I’d been holding and sagged in relief. “So, wait, how did you get served at Barangas but not here?”

  “Small towns can be a blessing and a curse. For instance, the guys over at Barangas have known me since I was born, and they hook me up—blessing. Here, that bitch, Cindy doesn’t like me, so—curse.” She shrugged.

  “I see. Well, I’m just glad I didn’t buy a drink for a sixteen-year-old or something. That would be embarrassing. Girls these days don’t look their age.”

  “I can see that, but I’m definitely an adult. You don’t have to worry. So, where are you guys staying while you’re here?”

  “I’m over at The Archibald; you heard of it?”

  “You’re kidding, right?” She rolled her eyes. “Pahokee has the population of most city high schools. Of course, I’ve heard of it. I haven’t had the pleasure of staying there, though. I’ve heard that place is like a palace insid
e, super fancy.”

  “I’d invite you back to my room for a drink, but I don’t want to seem too forward.”

  She lifted a brow. “So, would it be too forward of me to invite myself back to your room for a drink?”

  I burst out laughing. “Fuck no. That would definitely not be too forward of you. In fact, I’d be honored to accept your inviting yourself back to my room.”

  “Want to take it to-go?” I nodded in the direction of the waitress bringing our food.

  Easton agreed and turned to the server. “Be a doll and make that to-go, please.” She didn’t wait for a response, just directed her attention back to me with a giant smirk on her face.

  I stifled a grin.

  A few minutes later, the waitress dropped off our food without a word. I stood and threw some bills onto the table before putting my hand out for Easton to take. “Are you ready?”

  She nodded and wove her fingers through mine, and I navigated our way through the tables in a hurry.

  “The hotel isn’t going anywhere, Tanner. Your legs are a lot longer than mine. Can we slow down a little?” She tugged me back to slow our pace.

  “Sorry, just can’t wait for you to see The Archibald for the first time. You’re going to be blown away by its beauty.” Hopefully, she believed that—I was just excited to spend more time with her. Plus, back at the hotel would be the first time I’d had her all to myself.


  What Look? I Have A Look?


  He couldn’t seriously think I was buying that line of bullshit.

  I rolled my eyes. “Right. I bet you can’t wait to show me all the gorgeous architecture The Archibald has to offer.”

  “Come on, smart ass. Let’s check out the hotel,” he said playfully.

  It was about a twenty-minute walk to the hotel, and I couldn’t believe I was looking forward to spending more time with him. I didn’t think I’d ever felt that way before. I mean, I loved my friends and spending time with them. And I liked hooking up with guys. But I didn’t spend time with the guys I hooked up with very often, and I certainly didn’t enjoy walking with them.

  “I’m glad I changed before we went out; it’s colder than I thought it’d be.” I rubbed my hands up and down my arms.

  Tanner grabbed me and pulled me in close, wrapping his arm around me. “Did you sincerely just use the word cold in reference to this beautiful weather? It’s gorgeous out. I bet it’s snowing and literally freezing back home right now. I would give anything to live somewhere like this.” He kept me close and took over rubbing my arm to keep me warm. He was that guy who would give a girl his jacket if he were wearing one.

  We stayed this way until we reached the hotel. When the doorman opened the door for us, Tanner took my hand again and led me inside. My instincts told me to pull away, but I didn’t. Instead, I decided to pretend. He was leaving in a week anyway, so what was the harm, right?

  From the moment we walked through the doors, I was blown away, and the whole world around me disappeared. The Archibald was stunning. No detail was overlooked, from the marble floors to the painted ceiling murals and everything in between. I dropped Tanner’s hand and walked around aimlessly. The place was overwhelming. I wanted to look at everything and didn’t want to miss a single nuance. I wandered over to sit on a high back sofa to catch my bearings.

  “It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Tanner’s voice broke me out of my trance, and I looked over to find him sitting on the coffee table directly in front of me.

  “It really is. I could get lost in staring at that ceiling. I can’t believe I’ve lived so close to this my whole life and I’ve never experienced its beauty firsthand.” I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “Thank you for bringing me here.” My voice was soft and dreamy.

  Tanner smiled. “The pleasure is all mine. I’m going to order some drinks and dessert from room service, take your time.” He got up but took me by surprise when he bent over and kissed me on the forehead before walking away.

  I smiled and watched his ass as he crossed the lobby, and what a mighty fine ass it looked to be in his cargo shorts. I couldn’t wait to see it naked.

  Damnit, now all I could think about was Tanner naked. Focus, Easton.

  I sank back onto the sofa and stared up at the artwork on the ceiling. I couldn’t get over the intricate details; it must have taken months to complete.

  I felt Tanner as he came to sit beside me, and then he placed his hand on my thigh.

  “My mother’s an artist. I wonder if she’s ever been here. She would love this,” I whispered.

  “Does she live close by?”

  Crap. I didn’t want to talk about her, but I took a deep breath and went for it. “Nope. She moved away the day after my eighteenth birthday. She’s quite the free spirit when it comes to relationships, jumps from bed to bed. She probably went through everyone in town, so she decided she wanted to travel. She asked me to come with her, but I love my life here too much. I was already moving in with Sadie and Rhian, so my mom paid off the lease, padded my bank account for the bills, and headed off to see the world.”

  “Wow. She sounds like an interesting person. I want to travel, but I definitely need roots, somewhere to call home. What about your dad?” Tanner genuinely seemed interested, but that wasn’t a subject I wanted to broach right now.

  “He passed years ago.” I took a deep breath. “Ugh yeah, that’s enough sharing for one night. How about we go enjoy the room service? I can’t wait to see your suite. I bet it’s beautiful as well.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” He stood and took my hand again.

  Hand-carved wood decked out the elevator. Then it hit me. “Tanner? You said you’re a college student, right?” He nodded. “So, what are you doing staying in this crazy-expensive hotel?”

  His face grew serious. “I’m a twenty-one-year-old billionaire,” he deadpanned. “Just kidding, my buddy, Sean’s dad is loaded—probably why he’s a douchebag ninety percent of the time—he has a big spending account, so he put us all up here.”

  “Well, I’ll be going now. I thought you were rich, and I can’t be hanging out with a lowly college student. It was nice meeting you, though.” I tried to keep the humor out of my voice but failed.

  Tanner grabbed me around the waist and pulled me in tight. “Nice try, but you’re stuck with me. At least for now.” He planted a quick kiss on my lips and pulled back.

  I touched my lips with my fingertips and smiled up at him. “All right, I’ll stay. So, what’s your family like?”

  “My family lives in Smithville. It’s a small town—well, not as small as Pahokee—but small compared to Hamilton, where I live now. They live in a farmhouse on a few acres. My mom is a homemaker, and my dad is a police officer. He makes a decent living but certainly not a billionaire. And me? I’m a struggling engineering major, who’s very grateful for his friend Sean right now. If it weren’t for his dumb idea to randomly pick a place by darts, I wouldn’t have met you.”

  His tone was serious, and he looked down at me like he could see into my soul. It scared the ever-loving shit out of me. I looked away quickly. I swear this guy had some sort of voodoo shit going on.

  Changing the subject was my first thought. “Sounds really nice. I’ve only been to Vancouver. We hopped in the car for a road trip, and I ended up there. It’s absolutely beautiful. Have you ever been?”

  “Way to break the moment.” He grinned.

  The elevator dinged as we reached our floor, thank fuck.

  “Saved by the bell this time, Easton.” He headed out through the doors, pulling me with him. “This is me,” he said as we stopped in front of room 1325. He opened the door and gestured for me to enter first.

  “Wow, this is amazing.” I sighed and turned back to him.

  He was smiling from ear to ear.

  “I can’t believe you get to stay here. You’re so lucky.” I was in awe. This place was spectacular.

  His smile turned into a smir
k. “You could—” He stopped himself before finishing. “Never mind, I’m not going there. Do you want a drink or some dessert?” he said as he walked over to the cart.

  “Wow, that was quick. How did room service beat us up here?”

  “While you were admiring the lobby, they snuck past us. I had them send up a few of those Sex on the Beach drinks as well as some Toasted Almond drinks. I’ve never had them, but the guy downstairs recommended them and said they would go well with the desserts.”

  The cart was overflowing with goodies. “Holy shit. That’s a lot of chocolate. I’m going to have such a sugar high. I can’t wait.” My eyes were wide as saucers.

  “That’s the dessert sampler, so it’s got a little bit of everything. How about we wheel it over to the sofa and pig out?”

  “I think you just became my favorite person in the entire world.”

  “That was my evil plan from the beginning; I’m glad it worked.”

  I pushed his shoulder playfully and giggled. Yes—giggled like a complete girly-girl. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with me.

  “This is not going to be ladylike at all. If my stuffing my face with chocolate is going to change your opinion of me, then you should turn away now, Tanner, because I promise you that it can’t be unseen.” I winked and sat down with him in front of all the sugary goodness.

  “I don’t think you could do anything to negatively impact my perception of you, Easton.” He gave me that same look again, like he could read me or something.

  I pointed at him. “There you go looking at me like that again.”

  “What look?” He portrayed such a sense of innocence that I wasn’t quite sure if it was false or not. “I have a look?”

  “Yes, you do. You kind of gaze at me, like”—I shrugged—“I don’t know.” I shook my head. “Never mind.” I knew exactly what I meant, but I wasn’t saying that out loud.

  He looked at me lovingly, and it kind of creeped me out. Not in a bad way because I kind of liked it, which meant it needed to stop.